Sunday, November 27, 2005

Iraq - Time to go like Now !

Actually the answer is no.
If the United States leaves now, it will be the same situation that Afghanistan was left with the Taliban.
So we need not leave until there is a true semblance of a government, that can guarantee its citizens no violent death.

That being said, the administration and Congress have been short sighted and simple minded in their way to bring a true governmernt back to Iraq. So the problem is how to do this? Force is not the way, and it can't be the only way.

This administration has been slow to adopt a positive PR campaign in Iraq. They don't seem to understand or don't want to understand the idea to make alliances with the Suni muslims. The Suni's have been more likely to accept a democracy than the other faction. Remember it was the Shiites that captured our embassy in Iran. In turn, the Shiites are the majority in Iraq. They are also the ones who have tortured some Sunni muslims as well and in this case, the prisoners perfer having the Americans there.

Oh let us not forget, why hasn't Congress pressed fast and hard on putting more armored vehicles for our troops? Are they too worried about collecting their cost of living increase? Its strange listening to all these Congressmen getting on the political bandwagon, when these same Congressmen were the ones who decided to vote FOR invading Iraq. So can we really trust Congress doing the right thing? Unlikely, since they have yet to make sure our troops are safe in Iraq.


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